
Welcome To Shatford Law

Wealth Planning and Preservation

The attorneys at Shatford Law have a broad range of experience consulting with families and businesses in the area of Wealth Planning & Preservation.

Tax Planning

There are tax implications in almost every business activity. The lawyers of Shatford Law, tailor their service to minimize client’s short-term and lo...

International Tax Planning

To operate effectively in today's global marketplace, organizations and individuals need international tax counsel that is fluent in the complexities ...

Business Law

When starting a business, it is vital to select the optimal organizational structure. The form of entity selected for the conduct of a business greatl...

Civil Litigation

Since 1947, Shatford Law's lawyers have been fixtures in the California court system. The firm has the experience and resources to take on any corpora...

Real Estate Law

The lawyers of Shatford Law offer wide-ranging real estate litigation services. We assist individuals, businesses, and real estate developers with eve...

Workers' Compensation

Our team at Shatford Law comprises of some of the most experienced workers' compensation attorneys, who are committed to helping injured workers and t...

Workplace Injuries

Every day one is at work, there is a risk that he or she will unexpectedly suffer an injury or develop and occupational illness.

Personal Injury

California personal injury law is a branch of law that relates to any damage or wrongdoing done to a person’s body, property, rights or reputation.


Shatford Law represents individuals and businesses throughout the State of California in a variety of debtor/creditor matters, including Chapter 7, 11...

Social Security Disability

The workers of California are largely an optimistic group of people who go to work everyday with the expectation that they will continue to advance in...

Family Law

Our attorneys at Shatford Law have experience representing clients in all aspects of family law.

About US

The law firm Shatford & Shatford was created in 1947 when two brothers, Walter and Henry Shatford, brought together their expertise for the practice of law in the then emerging town of Temple City. The Shatford brothers were exceedingly active as attorneys for helping clients with retirement planning and business transactions in the Temple City area and played an important role in helping families preserve their wealth through proper planning. Not only were the Shatford brothers dedicated to their clients, they also were dedicated to their country by serving in the U.S. Armed Forces in World War II. In 1958, Henry Shatford was appointed to the Pasadena Municipal Court by Governor Edmond G. "Pat" Brown and was elevated in 1966 to the Superior Court. The law firm has been a cornerstone in the community and has helped many clients in Temple City and neighboring cities achieve their goals of proper planning. As the firm became an integral part of the community, Walter Shatford, III joined the firm in 1977, to assist his father, Walter, and Uncle Henry carry on the good name and goodwill that the Shatford brothers had developed through the years.

In 1993, the newly built Shatford Library at Pasadena City College was named after Walter Shatford as a testament to his service to the community. Walter Shatford retired in 2005 and his son Walter Shatford, III practiced law until his passing due to a serious illness in 2007. In 2008, after the death of Walter Shatford, III, Andy Szeto started working as an associate of the Law Offices of Walter T. Shatford III and subsequently began his acquisition of the practice. Mr. Szeto continues to ensure that the legacy of the Shatford brothers and Walter Shatford, III is carried on. Furthermore, Mr. Szeto's main purpose is to make certain that previous clients will be served in the same manner as the Shatfords served their clients; as well as to continue that type of service for new clients, while maintaining and expanding the firm and practice areas.


17762 Cowan, Irvine, CA, 92614


1 (866) 373-7688

1 (866) 734-4484


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