Summer Associates

Most of Shatford Law associates are recruited through our summer associate program. Because the summer experience is an important preview of your future, it's important we make it a realistic one. Our summer associates spend at least six weeks with us, working with our lawyers and living our culture.

Our summer associates receive a realistic experience of what it is like to be an attorney working at Shatford Law. Students work on actual client matters. When appropriate, we endeavor to have summer associates attend depositions, hearings, trials and client meetings. Summer associates work with a variety of attorneys from different sections of the firm to obtain a broad overview of the firm and its practice areas.

The work of summer associates is directed by the Summer Associate Committee Chair, who has the primary responsibility to coordinate summer associate work and social activities. The Summer Associate Committee Chair meets at least weekly with the summer associates to coordinate such matters and to exchange pertinent information.

Summer associates receive both formal and informal feedback from the attorneys who assign them work. In addition, summer associates have periodic reviews with the Summer Associate Committee Chair during the summer and a final review at the end of the summer with the Managing Partner or a member of the Board of Directors regarding the overall performance of the summer associate.

Where We Recruit
We recruit nationally. Members of the Recruiting Committee at Shatford Law work closely with university on-campus interview programs and attend recruiting functions throughout the year. Students from schools where the firm is conducting on-campus interviews should submit their resumes in accordance with their academic institutions' guidelines.

If we are not scheduled to interview on campus at your school, you may send a resume directly to our Recruiting Committee Chair by email to Second-year students should submit resumes between August and September of the year before the summer associate position is to commence.

Effective recruiting is the foundation of our diversity.

The People We Choose
We are obviously looking for the best candidates, but you should be aware of certain guidelines that help us shape our final selection decisions.

Our summer associates are typically required to spend at least six weeks working with our firm unless it is a special circumstance which has been approved by the hiring partner. Returning summer associates who need to resume school early because of law review obligations are allowed to work for five weeks.

Generally, summer associates come during the first half of the summer. In certain offices, we will allow the second half with approval of the hiring partner and section head. If you plan to spend part of the summer working with another firm, we normally require you to spend the first half of the summer with us.

How to Apply
Please submit your resume, transcripts and cover letter indicating your department and geographical interests, via regular U.S. mail, fax or attached as a Microsoft Word document via email to: 
Shatford Law 
Attention: Summer Associate Program 
Director of Human Resources 
70 South Lake Avenue, 10th Floor, Pasadena, CA 91101


17762 Cowan, Irvine, CA, 92614


1 (866) 373-7688

1 (866) 734-4484